Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I really enjoyed taking the Meyers-Briggs test. I like learning about myself, but I'm an intrapersonal learner; I also already knew all that about myself. I had my boyfriend take it over the phone. I am an ISTJ and he is an ESFJ. I would like to see how compatible the author of this test would think our types are, but he seems to put weight on SJ's and NJ's or NP's and whatever that other two-letter type is; so I figure that if we have that in common, we're probably in good shape. I don't really put much weight on the test, but it is a glance at certain tendencies one might have, including knowing what kind of people one might not get along with.

As for the Multiple Intelligences, I am three different kinds of learner: logical/mathematical, musical, and intrapersonal. I was the only logical/mathematical, but being that really explains how I am able to learn in almost any learning environment--I'm really lucky that way. But I learn best in an organized atmosphere, otherwise I can organize it myself and still learn, just not as efficiently. I really hope to integrate the MI methods of teaching into my classroom, especially if I'm teaching English Language Learners overseas--you have to make language fun!