Friday, January 26, 2007

On "Tough Choices or Tough Times"

I really enjoyed this article, I have to say. For a while I have been thinking that the structure of the public education system needs to be torn down and rebuilt and all of the sudden this article comes into my hands. I don't know how much math the author's done or how much research he's done, probably a good amount, but he makes some big claims so I'm not completely convinced. But I liked it enough that I sent copies to a teacher ed student, a college professor, and the director of Upward Bound, all in Omak, WA. The college professor said that she might have her students read it in her Social Problems class - I think that if we spread the message it will multiply because people are ready for change. I don't know how perfect the plan is, but it's a start to trying to better our educational system.